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Sample Cases

As an example, from 2018, a PLAINTIFF that used Dr. Kondamuri's expertise WON a $4.4 MILLION SETTLEMENT in an Indiana personal injury case involving an injury that traumatized the plaintiffs cervical spine (neck) resulting in need for spinal surgery, traumatic brain injury, neuro-psychiatric abnormalities, chronic pain, depression, etc.  Dr. Kondamuri was able to make this plaintiffs complex disease of the spine, brain and psyche easy to understand and correlate the injury he sustained to a permanent condition and explain why this plaintiff who looked fairly normal on the outside was suffering from a permanent condition that left him non-functional and permanently disabled.

In a Minnesota claim, Dr. Kondamuri was the expert for the DEFENSE in a case involving a police officer that sustained a crushed foot injury that the treating doctor had diagnosed as CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome).  In this case the treating doctor had proposed numerous very expensive treatments for CRPS including Spinal Cord Stimulation in a patient that had suffered an orthopedic injury and resulting foot and ankle surgery. Dr. Kondamuri proved that the patient was not suffering from CRPS, thus putting the breaks on further expensive medical treatment and ending the plaintiff’s demands and saving the claimant's insurance company hundreds of thousands of dollars.


In a another complex Nevada case that began in Colorado involving a plaintiff who had been treating for 20+ years for lower extremity (foot) CRPS as a result of an injury, Dr. Kondamuri was  able to dissect thousands of pages of medical records spanning 20+ years of treatment and three state jurisdictions to prove for the DEFENSE that the plaintiff did not have CRPS and finally end unnecessary medical treatment and help win the case for the defense.

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